Sunday, November 25, 2012

Republic of Texas Responses

A Mr. Sam Blumenfeld, a Jew apparently by name has responded to the Watchman Report announcement on the Republic of Texas sovereignty that was never ceded. The respondant is an educator and columnist from New York. I recieved a very educational response from the Republic of Texas PR office and wanted to share it with you. While it may do nothing for those such as Blumenfeld, it may educate some of our own.

As you can see in the response of the Jew, he sends his article "How to Remake the Republican Party". The Jew merely wants us to support more programs and the funding of socialist takeover of the USA using the Republican party. 

Reply from the Republic of Texas:

A New World Order sock puppet, none other than Mitt Romney whom he, Mr. Blumenfeld,  supports, who was just as bad if not worse than Obama of a fraudster, law breaker, Republican party rules breaker, last-second illegal rules changes, ballot stuffing and counting fraud, a usurper and cheater and condoner of literal violent mafia goon style bone breaking tactics of dozens of people by his "Mormon Mafia" and Republican Party establishment hacks people defrauding of hundreds and even thousands more of duly elected Ron Paul delegates, by a majority of supporters. This being all documented, of those Ron Paul people present at the various states' local, precinct, district, regional and state level conventions and caucuses in many states who were all certified victors as delegates. But they were illegally thrown out of the subsequent next level conventions and caucauses, sometimes arrested and charged with "crimes" by local corrupt police the Republican establishment hired as "security thugs", and replaced later by secret Republican Party state  "committees" with Mitt Romney  cronies and supporters as "delegates" not lawfully or duly elected by the majority of the people/delegates who were present at these conventions and caucuses. And many of whom these unlawful "delegates" selected later by the various RP committees later were actually Mitt Romney people who had actually lost their election as a candidate for position of delegate to the Ron Paul supported person who was actually duly elected to the position as delegate to the next level of convention by the majority of the qualified people/delegates voting that were present.

And at the National RNC convention in Tampa this past August, it was even worse, with many hundreds of duly elected Ron Paul delegates from many states who had made it to the convention and constituted majorities of delegates in at least 12 states, more than enough to secure a nomination for Ron Paul as a potential nominee along with Romney as a presidential candidate to be considered by the floor of the RNC convention, were all by the hundreds (at least 500) either railroaded out of the convention and replaced by Romney cronies and supporters as "delegates" for their state, instead of the duly lawfully elected Ron Paul ones. Or they cheated and arbitrarily changed the rules to give Romney the RNC's favored candidate himself the power to reject any delegate elected and select the delegates he wanted who would vote for him and they on the corrupt RNC committee also gave Romney absolute power to change any rule himself that he didn't like to ensure his "nomination" as presidential candidate of choice by the Republican Party.

Romney took all this raw absolute power given to him unprecedented in history of the RP since its founding at the time of Lincoln in 1856, and corruptly replaced wholesale hundreds of Ron Paul Delegates remaining at the RNC. Still in spite of all this there was 200-300 Ron Paul Delegates remaining and Romney then also corruptly and arbitrarily changed the long standing since the time of Lincoln 5-state rule of requirement of a plurality or majority of delegates in a minimum of 5 states to nominate a candidate for consideration as the party nominee for president or vice president. After 6 states + 1 U.S. territory (Virgin Islands) submitted their officially certified petitions on the floor to the RNC Chairman Reince Priebus stating that a majority of delegates from their state submitted Ron Paul's name into nomination, Priebus the committee chairman refused to recognize this on national TV and Romney immediately interrupted and instantly on the spot changed the 5-state rule into an 8-state rule in order to deny Ron Paul a nomination on the ballot alongside him and the right to speak at the convention.

If Ron Paul had been allowed to speak at the convention, Romney and the RNC establishment committee feared that Ron Paul would sway enough delegates among the Romney supporters and thereby wrest the nomination away from Romney on the 1st ballot and throw the RNC into a brokered convention, whereby Ron Paul would almost certainly have won the nomination on the 2nd or subsequent ballots.  
Reince Priebus the RNC chairman coward that he is, and a complete fraudster and crook just as much as Romney is, just stood there and allowed all this to happen and then announce Mitt Romney "the winner" and failed to stop this totally blatant on national TV for everyone to see fraud and shenanigan to cheat, lie and steal the nomination for president away from Paul. Mitt Romney did not win the nomination, he ignored the votes of hundreds of delegates of the will of the people who elected them, replaced many of them with fraud and coercion and illegal "disqualification" and cheated his way into a criminally fraudulent, publicly observable on national TV sham and before everyone there a farce was allowed to proceed by the criminal treasonous Priebus of an installment into power of his fellow seditious criminal treasonist "comrade" Romney as the "selected" Republican Party nominee of "their" (the RNC committee) preference.

Priebus and his RNC even said at the convention by eye witness reports of many people there, that the votes of the 6 states' delegates on protocol, procedure and their votes on nominations of candidates don't count and don't matter, that the RNC committee (and Romney himself) would decide the rules and the selection of the nominee. And, except for the two to three hundred Ron Paul supporters and delegates left on the floor that objected and booed they were all drowned out by Romney supporters and a complicit compliant corrupt media turning the cameras and mics away on que, while all the rest of supposedly honest "Christian" people there and on TV who saw and watched all this who were Romney supporters, they all just stood by dumbfounded, mesmerized and condoned this and did not object at any point and went along with all of it, and did nothing to stop it but jubilantly celebrated for "their man" in wild cheering sessions. Anarchy, not the Rule of Law.

Romney also took money for his campaign , million of dollars, while on a illegal campaign junket trip to the state of Israel, from wealthy Jewish backers who were Israeli citizens and foreign nationals not U.S. citizens, a very serious felony under U.S. law he totally disregarded, and it was blatantly in-your-face reported in the mainstream press and alternative media as well, yet nothing was done to prosecute Romney by the FBI, Congress, the so-called Justus Dept. or A.G. Eric Holder, upon his return. Romney belongs in the Jail House, not the White House.

And Romney is every bit as bad and corrupt, crooked and as much of a cheater and fraudster as Obama who's turned the White House into an evil corrupted deep darked stained Black House, or maybe a Whore House, what with all the foreign and corporate U.S military-industrial-security-banking complex lobbyists interests and multi-billionaire "agents of influence" doing their bidding with their filthy lucre, like Soros, Murdoch, ADL, SPLC, AIPAC, LULAC, La-Raza Unida, etc., and his wife Michelle Obama and all her junkets at Government expense to fly all over the world on shopping trips and sprees. The Israeli Lobby, the Republican establishment and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney all tried to help Romney along with his son Tagg Romney at Bain Capital commit election fraud and win the election on this past November 6th to throw it against Obama by Bain Capital and his "Mormon Mafia" pals buying up ownership of all the Diebold voting machines and rig the software in each state that counts the votes in all the numerous "battleground" states targeted.

But, as it turned out, Obama and George Soros proved to be an even bigger cheaters and fraudsters than Romney in all the "battleground" states by  their "Chicago Mafia" and Democratic Party machine contracting out the national level vote counting on election night to a Spanish company called Cintra, in Madrid Spain, to hack into the voting machines by the C.I.A. front group "Anonymous" to neutralize Romney's vote fraud efforts and "flip" them all from Romney back to Obama, in many cases of hundreds of precincts reported that 100% of the votes in Philadelphia, Ohio, Chicago and elsewhere were for Obama, a statistical impossibility even in heavily Democratic districts. They also accomplished and pulled off this massive election fraud by getting teams of Obama youth out months in advance of the election to various numerous precinct locations all over the country and create dozens of fraudulent duplicate ballots of single registration early voter cards of dozens of illegal aliens with no id, poor and destitute homeless people and college students who needed extra money and some of whom were perhaps legitimate citizens qualified and eligible to vote, but even though some of the voter registrations might have been legitimate with their single ballot, the dozens of duplicate ballots they paid and bribed these people to fill out and vote dozens of times were then subsequently turned in to the various states' election commissions and bureaus.

All the early voting ballots, both legitimate and illegitimate, were then turned into the state elections commissioners who were required by state law to put them into blue bags and sealed as sacrosanct and not to be opened until election day and all required to be presumed legitimate votes. The voter registration cards were also turned in but the states' legal procedures required that the state officials duly record in their computers the legitimate or illegitimate voter registration cards as all presumably legitimate, but filed away in a separate location than the now separated multiple duplicate voter ballots casting the early vote, all neatly stuffed and sealed into the blue bags.

In this way, Obama created tens of millions more of total additional non-existent voters' votes for himself than there were total number of registered voters in the various counties' or states' voter registrar's office in their Democratic Party predesignated Northern "liberal" "battleground" states where the voter id and registration laws are either very lax or the Obama "Justice" Department succeeded in challenging and got numerous state voter registration or id laws overturned as "unconstitutional" or delayed their implementation this election cycle such as he did in Pennsylvania.

And of these tens of millions of extra fraudulent non-existent "voters" who supposedly all voted for Obama, this was apparently enough to put him over the top in the electoral college count where it mattered at the national level. In those in every "Red" state which Romney "won", Obama did not succeed in getting their much stricter voter id and registration laws overturned or changed in time in those states, and it is apparently the reason why he did not "win" those states too. But by Obama's Chicago Mafia and Obama Youth very clever manipulation of states' voter registration and early voting ballots laws well in advance of the election, he was able to assure that though massive voter and election fraud would be suspected, that it would be impossible to prove it in a court of law because no one would be legally able because of voter privacy laws to access and inspect the tens of millions of blue bag ballots to see how they voted after the election and compare the results to the legitimate voter registration cards.

And even if criminal investigators could individually inspect all the ballots cast and compare them to the voter registrations, it would be impossible to determine the difference between which of the ballots were legitimate and which were not and then have a court overturn the election results, and even if they could do that, the election laws require in most states that the ballots be destroyed after a certain period of time, because by delaying tactics of his lawyers in actions in the court, of his Just-Us  "Justice" Dept. Obama can thwart any potential criminal investigation that could prove it by stretching out and delaying proceedings until after the statutes of limitations expire in the various states for destruction of ballots to ensure privacy of the voter's vote under the U.S. and state elections laws. Ahhhh!!!! The "perfect crime" committed by Obama and his cronies.     

Romney is every much of a fascist, treasonous tyrant, criminal and vote rigger ballot fraudster and cheater as Obama is, and that's the kind of president and "crony capitalism" dictator not fit for office, and ignoring all the elections laws and the will of the voters/people, that he would have been if he had won considering what he did to Ron Paul and his supporters, but on election day of November 6th, 2012, it appears that Obama was an even bigger cheater than Romney was and outperformed him in all the other above categories as well. And it has also now just come out that Obama apparently cheated John McCain in 2008 the same way and that McCain actually won the election in the November 2008 vote in the all important electoral college count but it is now too late to challenge that and prove it in a court of law since all those fraudulent ballots as potential evidence have now also been most likely destroyed, or still sealed up and inaccessible to criminal investigators and law enforcement. 

You might say that Romney got snookered, and it serves him right after what he did to Ron Paul and all those Independents, Democrats and conservatives and Libertarians who all switched their registration into the Republican Party and who supported him until the very end, but abandoned the Republican Party in droves, by the millions of potential voters that the Republican Party could have welcomed and tried to work with them instead of kick them out of conventions and caucuses and treat them all with utter contempt and disdain like they did. And so they all either stayed home or voted for the Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson instead. Romney and the Republican establishment  screwed themselves, and they deserve it. What goes around comes back around. And then again, Romney was like the boxer who "took a dive" and "threw the match" because he was well paid to "make a good show of it" but slink off quietly back into the sunset without a whimper after his "loss". The Republicans never validly "nominated" Romney and elected him as their candidate for president according to election law or even by RNC rules, and they never intended for him in the first place to get victory in the "election" over Obama. It was all a fraudulent dog and pony show made to look like good theater and give the appearance of legitimacy to the clueless American people, Republican or Democrat, Liberal or conservative, by "throwing the match" regardless of how the legitimate voters actually voted. It will be impossible for us to ever know who actually "won" and it would not matter anyway, its all a prearranged "selection" sham "in the matrix" for John Q. Public's and Joe Sixpack's and Janet Eyeshadow's benefit, nothing else.        

The "solutions" Blumenfeld promotes on phonics in children's education by us the people wasting more of our precious little time we have left with petitioning the corrupt Republican party politicos just as bad as Obama and the Democrats to "remake the Republican party" for more legislation to be promoted and introduced in the coming succeeding election cycles and over many many more years and years of time to attempt to convince us fools of the people they deem us to be to waste even more of our time on non-real unproductive solutions to get the change we need to overthrow this corrupt two-party system, and is outright laughable if it weren't so pathetic and useless of an endeavor at this level.

Phonics in learning reading skills for young children is certainly a very good idea Mr. Blumenfeld promotes to raise the dumbed down illiteracy non-skills of our youth. But this is not what either the corrupt Republican party nor the corrupt Democratic party want, it is their long term communistic zionistic agenda as espoused by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in their Communist Manifesto and in the plutocrat's Protocols of the Elders of Zion, to destroy America by precisely implementing policies at every level of government and the public fool s..., er, excuse me, ahem!,  public school system, for inducing the desired result of non-literacy.

His proposal while good in concept is a designed time waster and yet another diversionary tactic to distract us from the task at hand of what really needs to be done now, until it is too late for anything else and the New World Order can finish overthrowing the government and enslaving the rest of us people into concentration "re-education" camps and/or death camps for those who won't "comply" and consolidate and complete their grip on absolute power and control over all of us unto complete utter tyranny and despotism and total enslavement or death.

Mr. Blumenfeld is "barking up the wrong tree". What he needs to do instead is stop begging permission from government of all these corrupt Republican and Democrat masonic Illuminati NWO sycophants of government and all those like politicians running for election every cycle on all their bogus time wasting promises for "reform" and "change" that never happens or never will happen. Instead what he needs to do instead is go directly to the people (not government at any level) at the local community level and then incite, urge, advocate and move for them with all his programs themselves to have the parents yank their children en-masse out of all the public schools and to set up and run local home schools themselves with their neighbors to teach them phonics, along with real reading, writing and arithmetic skills, proper English grammar and real advanced math and science skills and not "fuzzy math".

That is the only way for Mr. Blumenfeld or anyone else with ideas like that, if he/they really wants to be useful, is to get on the ball and go directly to the people themselves, without first seeking government permission from corrupt politicians and corrupt officeholders and corrupt vote-rigged election/"selection" candidates who will always be put into a dichotomy of false choice with the vote rigged "selection" process instead; and then he and anyone else motivated should teach the people directly to stop seeking and begging government permission or dependency for everything they do or want, and instruct them then to get on the ball and just do it on their own and procure home schooling curricula themselves without seeking permission from government first, nor procrastinating and delaying and not doing anything about it at all but complaining and begging government and politicians even more about the sorry plight of their children.

Anything else, including starting another war in the Middle East with Gaza, Iran, Syria, or anywhere else on the planet like North Korea, etc., is just a time waster and a diversionary distraction process for false rah-rah-rah type "patriotism" to whip the people up into a frenzy and panic/fear of something to get the peoples' minds off of the real problems of the economy and its impending collapse, the pending dollar collapse, the impending martial law declaration of some concocted "homeland security 'patriot act" NDAA indefinite detention national emergency" or "other civil disturbance". And, this is  especially designed to get the people's minds off of the most critical and important issue of all they should be focusing on and not allow themselves to be distracted again, the pending and soon-to-be imminent secession movement of all the states from this wicked crooked rotten unfixable corpse of government, as the ONLY and the ultimate real solution and last resort peaceful remedy the people have left, or its otherwise armed revolution time or submit themselves all to total abject slavery and population reduction agendas and death of the satanic New World Order and bow down and worship government and Satan as your master if they let you live at all.

Those are the choices the people have left and Secession/Withdraw from this stinking rotten so-called "perpetual" but hopelessly corrupted unrevivable non-restorable now dead  "Union" is the only rational sane realistic lawful remedy they have left, and the powers that be, the plutocrats and wealthy Zionist banker elite, know it, that is why they are desperately doing what they're now doing with certain "conservative" figures and attempting to distract everyone else from the ONLY real solution left at this time, and trying to even undermine this grass roots secession movement of the people with their pundits offering "secession from D.C. (District of Criminals) with the purpose to reconstitute the Union", with the same old criminals and corrupt government NWO politicians and officials and elite hijacking and running it, to "limit" its effect and put the same old sham unnoticed right back in place.

No, the people themselves need to take the power back into their own hands themselves, not rely upon any government or political or elite so-called leaders, and do it themselves this last final time, and select and place their own people of themselves as representatives to govern themselves directly and totally cast off and divorce the beast in D.C. permanently make it into a uninhabited park or wilderness for the birds or something with a central monument for viewers and visitors there to the corruption rot, decay and total wickedness of that now desolate forsaken place, and the "states" exist from that point on out as up to 50 or less smaller totally independent nations as constitutional republics and not "democracies" with all the power in the people's hands to get rid of and impeach and imprison or execute for treason any more corrupt dual citizen dual loyalist politicians or representatives in each one, and they can also then make treaties of commerce and trade or alliances of friendship for their mutual protection and benefit with one or more of the other nation-states as they wish, but NO MORE UNIONS OR CONFEDERACIES OF STATES THAT BINDS THEM TO SOME CENTRAL AUTHORITY OUTSIDE THEIR BORDERS.

The best model of this is Texas leading the way because they had the best most independent nation and form of government at that time with their well designed and brilliant 1836 Constitution of the Republic of Texas, which was about at least 20-30 times stronger than the U.S. Constitution ever was for the protection of the inalienable common law natural law rights of its Sovereign Citizens, and with a few amendments of the 1836 Constitution to update it to our times, Texas could lead the way for an ideal model constitution for the rest of the now remaining independent North American nation-states in the 21st century, approaching Father Yahweh's Idea and Plan for His perfect Millennial Kingdom government. Nothing else will do.      

From: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2012 1:46 AM
Subject: Re: GOOD NEWS, The Nation of Texas never ceded, no need to secceed :-)

I hope you agree with my proposal on how to remake the Republican Party.
An Open Letter to Republican Leaders
By Samuel Blumenfeld
As a conservative Republican, I was greatly disappointed by the defeat of Gov. Mitt Romney in his bid for the Presidency.  I considered him to be the logical and sensible choice between a radical community organizer with a dismal record of governance and a seasoned entrepreneur with executive political experience capable of reviving the American economy. The choice could not have been clearer.  But a little more than half the voting public didn’t see it that way.
What caused Romney’s loss?  Having spent the last forty years writing about the failures of our education system, it seems to me that much of public ignorance about simple economics is the result of wholesale miseducation, and it is obvious that miseducation affects how people vote. 
Also, the changing demographics of the U.S. population means that there are many Americans who do not know how this country was founded and have not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States.  They only know the “now” of American culture.  Without knowing our historical past, they have no sense of the future. 
Our Founding Fathers had a profound sense of the future, and they often spoke of their posterity and how what they were doing would affect many future generations.  They had a long-range view of the future.  But we Republicans are guilty of having tolerated an education system controlled by secular progressives that has destroyed the future for millions of young Americans.  We have been critical of the public schools, but our solution has been to get our own children out of them.   
But this has got to change.  We can no longer afford public schools that refuse to teach all children to read. We cannot afford the luxury of widespread illiteracy if we are to compete in the global economy.
In 1988, Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times, told his fellow newspaper publishers:  “Today up to 60 million Americans—one third of the adult population—cannot read their local newspaper.  As we edge closer to the 21st century, life is becoming more complex and will become more difficult for adults who cannot read.”
In 2003, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reported that only 13 percent of American adults are highly literate, 56 percent have intermediate literacy skills, and that 43 percent of American adults are virtually illiterate.  How can we continue to tolerate this Progressive-induced insanity?
In 2007, the National Endowment for the Arts released its own survey of literacy in the United States.  According to its report, Reading at Risk, the number of 17-year-olds who never read for pleasure increased from 9 percent in 1984 to 19 percent in 2004.  Almost half of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 never read books for pleasure.  Endowment chairman, Dana Gioia, commented: “This is a massive social problem.  We are losing the majority of the new generation. They will not achieve anything close to their potential because of poor reading.”
In other words, we are talking about a huge illiterate or semi-literate underclass in the United States, most of whom live in our urban areas.  They were made that way by our public schools! Generally they have little interest in politics and don’t vote. But sometimes they do vote, and that’s what they did in this last election.  Trained community organizer Barack Obama knew how to get these illiterates to the polls, and it made the difference in some crucial counties.
So what are we Republicans to do?  If we want to win future national elections, we have got to stop the creation of new illiterates by the public schools and help adult illiterates learn to read.  We must become the party of universal literacy.  This can be done by launching a Campaign for Universal Literacy.  The Party that abolished slavery ought to be able to abolish illiteracy.
We can abolish illiteracy by promoting the adoption of a reading program that teaches everybody to read.  I produced such a program.  It is called Alpha-Phonics, and since the 1980s it has been used by thousands of homeschoolers to teach their children to read.  If a parent can do the job at home, why can’t a teacher do it in the classroom? 
Noah Webster, back in the early days of the republic, made America the most literate nation on earth with his little Blue-Backed Speller.  We can do the same today with Alpha-Phonics, provided we use the power of the Republican Party to mobilize an army of young conservative activists to get these books into the hands of those who need them most: the parents of failing children. This is also a way to bring new members into the party from a large group of citizens who would welcome our attention and concern. We cannot ignore a third of our citizens who desperately need our help. Indeed, we can change America by providing that help.
Such a Campaign for Universal Literacy would be the noblest endeavor ever undertaken by a political party. It would give Republicans the opportunity to help millions of illiterate Americans, young and old, learn to read.  By making this end run around the Democrats and their educationist allies, we would not only give millions of citizens the priceless gift of literacy, but also enable them to read the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
Our Founding Fathers embarked on the noblest political enterprise in all of human history when they created a form of government based on principles that gave human beings the freedom to create the greatest, richest, and most successful nation in all of history.  This legacy also belongs to those millions of children who cannot read our founding documents because our secular progressive schools have turned them into illiterates.  This has got to stop!
The Republican Party abolished slavery.  It should now launch a campaign to abolish illiteracy!
Sam Blumenfeld is the author of ten books on education, including: The New Illiterates, How to Tutor, NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education, Is Public Education Necessary? and Alpha-Phonics: A Primer for Beginning Readers.  He welcomes your comments:    781-354-2040

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Secession? Texas is Already a Sovereign Independent National Republic, no need to secceed.

All worldwide Embassies of the Sovereign Republic of Texas should be immediately reopened!

Republic of Texas under renewed boundaries of her 2003 renewed Declaration of Independence.
(Map is under copyright and is published with permission from Republic of Texas Interim Government)

In 1836 Texas Declared her National Independence, and has ever since remained unchallenged, and only affirmed by numerous nations. Texas proceeded to make numerous international treaties, and open embassies worldwide. Her National Sovereignty on multiple occasions was also confirmed by Mexico.

The Republic of Texas never ceded anything within it´s boundaries. No law was ever devised for such nor enacted, nor was any treaty made with Sovereign Texas. Only an intent/resolving to annex Texas was declared in Congress, without Texas´ consent. Such annexation was never followed up upon, nor occured, not by any document neither was any legal action devised to carry out an annexation of the Rebublic in any way. No one can produce any piece of material the shows the resolution actually was acted upon by anyone by any law, other than through force, fraud and deception. more info at

Once a theft has been discovered, whether consented to by force, fraud or deception, the victim is obliged to make the thief accountable to law. 

The National Republic of Texas relinquished only 67 million acres of their 225 million acres for a "cash payment", that never was recieved. This makes all earlier boundaries of Texas, stretching all the way up into Wyoming, as still in force. 

Yes, all 158 Million acres within Texas were never even part of the "purchase", but remained 100% part of the Republic of Texas. The never ceeded territory within Texas would be today´s normal boundaries we see on any map. The mere 67 million ceded acres, which the Feds FAILED on payment, is considered what stretches up to Wyoming, through Colorado, etc. 

While the President of Mexico already signed the international treaty of Velsaco declaring the National Sovereignty of Texas, Mexico recognized Texas independence yet again. Again in 1845 Mexico declared together with England, France, the Netherlands, and other countries formally recognizing the National Sovereignty of Texas. So even the close and hostile nation of Mexico specifically recognized the independence of the Republic of Texas with the promises from Texas they would not cede to the Union. Texas kept her word. 

Only one fraudulent oral declaration was made by the governor during wartime against Mexico, being heavily paid for such statements by the US, and so he stated that Texas is now joining the Union. Yet he never acted upon it. At best this could only be considered a joint military coalition in law. No legal action ever took place to make an actual lawful ceding of sovereignty to the United States. While all US states retain a 10th Amendment limited sovereignty, Texas retains national sovereignty on top of that. Some say there was a US Congressional "joint resolution" to cede Texas, with no Texas representation. However, without any enactment clauses or treaties to go with it, such resolution only stands as what it is, "intent only". Even with a resolution, no one ever followed up on that resolving of intention to cede or annex Texas, no, not in any way, shape or form. 

Even during the civil war, Abraham Lincoln would not invade Texas because of her lawful sovereignty status. 

President Houston accepted secession but asserted that the Convention had no power to link the state with the new Southern Confederacy. He stated that Texas was an independent Republic and should stay neutral. Houston took his seat on March 16, the date state officials were scheduled to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy. He remained silent as his name was called out three times and, after failing to respond, the office of governor was declared vacant and Houston was unlawfully deposed from office.

Still to this day there has remained two very clearly differentiated camps, pro Independents and pro Unionists. 

With the age of the internet this fraud was easily uncovered and made available for all.Texans to be informed. Immediately upon such disclosures the Citizens of Texas had resumed the original government. An interim President was elected in 1996 with a quickly drafted `Declaration of Independence` as resuming the National Sovereignty of Texas for all the world to see of Texans now becoming aware of the deception joined their independence movement. Thus culminating in a 2003 enacted Declaration of Independence by the interim government. However, shortly after minting the restored Texas currency in 2004, the central Government buildings were destroyed in an unsolved arson crime. The independence movement has been crippled ever since, struggling to regain footing.

More information at and Consider joining with likeminded or others aware of the lawful Soverign Republic of Texas. The Christ´s Assembly at Texas may be a good place to start, under our King Jesus Christ, and His lawful governance on earth, as it is in heaven.

Various National Treaties of Texas
1819 Adams-Onis Treaty

1836 Treaty of Velasco

1838 Treaty with Lipan Indians

1838 Boundary Markings Treaty with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

1839 Treaty with the Kingdom of France

1840 Proclamation with the Majesty the King of the French

1842 Treaties with England and Irelend

1844 Treaty with the Indian Tribes

England and France Plenarys 1837

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update Regarding The Arresting of Obama's Co-conspirators

Dear Reader,
The Department of Homeland Security has contacted foreign police while I'm overseas this week in Europe and ordered them to threaten my right to freedom of speech. I'm being advised by legal counsel to stay overseas "in exile" as a representative Reverend and Ambassador of "the de jure USA", while being threatened by the de facto (possibly illegal usurper inelligible) Obama "Czar dictatatorship appointee" new unConstitutional regime.
Last Friday foreign police called me by telephone demanding that I STOP notifying people about Obama's criminal court cases now going forward on his citizenship status. The information and attachments had caused people to dial 9-11 on a false report to arrest those who have aided and abetted Obama on multiple felonies. Therefore in cooperation with the requests, (without breaching any privacy obligations as a clergyman) I send out this email to ask you to send to all your friends STOP calling 9-11 in regards to Obama's court hearing announcements. Just be patient and wait for the court results please!
As stated, the opinions on civil arrests were only that of the individual journalist who is external to Watchman Reporters and/or the Christ's Assembly, and he said always check with local police if the arrest tactic is authorized, as each department has their own policies for enforcement of the citizens arrest laws. It may have been pushing the edge, and certainly we did not expect that people would act persuant to the many civil arrest warrants made by multiple civil grand juries. We have only pleaded for calm, for peace and to wait for the court outcomes to reverse all the wrongs he has done to our nation.
Members of the Christ's Assembly can never accept that there is a very high possibility that the highest office in the world has been taken by fraud, and we will always preach that it is a sin to say "it's not that bad", and those who say it is OK they are LIARS and will answer for it before God on judgement day. We will continue saying it is BAD, and to support all court cases going forward to force disclosure of Constitutional eligibility (a signed hospital birth certificate), or major criminal charges be brought on these highest crimes than probably have been committed , worse than any level in the history of the United States of America. It is not for Christians to endorse any crimes, or say just wait two years till he is voted out. All laws must be followed even if they are the President, as the law says they must be equally accountable. Case law was decided in former President Clinton's appeals that even Presidents are equally accountable under all the laws just like everyone else, even while serving as President.
None of this support for the process of law can be considered a waste of time, because even it gets him out of office for one day, we can save several of our own children from harms way on multiple levels. All his terrible acts will be rescinded, for example, his appointment of the "Safe School Czar" who is a prominent member of NAMBLA, who lobbies governments around the world to make it legal for men to have sex with (rape) 3-4 year old boys. We can never say "it isn't that bad", or we have better things to do. That is our only matter and only position, that has caused this attack against our freedom of speech.
Therefore if you don't speak out against such crimes you have blood on your hands and are guilty of supporting the rape of babies that are being promoted by his "Safe School Czar" under his dictatorial power over all our schools while being a member of NAMBLA.
I've recieved information from the Supreme Law Center that they've also filed Obama's Official KENYAN Birth certificate in Philadelphia on another case that is going forward. Multiple cases besides the dozens of others Obama spent millions of Dollars to get thrown out on technicalities, rather than give disclosure are all going forward. Slowly but surely we believe the truth will come out. Please have faith, pray and support. The good news is mounting! Keep patient as these cases are going forward.
Just because the crimes being commited are so extreme, that doesn't make us also extreme simply because we refuse to say "it's not that bad". The extremists are those who LIE and say that these high crimes are OK and not so bad. They are extreme, and they are therefore  promoting these high crimes through their complacent cowardice.
We are the ones who are balanced and peaceful. In my sermon last Saturday I commented on the police intervention from yesterday against my personal freedom of speech. You can find it on, as was recorded here on MP3: PEACE AND BALANCE IN THE FACE OF EXTREMISM.mp3 . (The extremists being the cowards and liars that promote insurrection against the normal laws of the land). With the crimes so severe, there is really becoming no more middle ground of tolerance, it is active promotion if you force such an amazing crime under the rug.
So again, I make my plea to our readers, please STOP dialing 9-11, just support the court cases going forward and exercise patience!

They are very afraid that someone in the military or police will arrest Obama before the court proceedings come out, even so much as they contacted me, so please just stop making them nervous!
Rev SM

This plea from Reverend S.M. is in regards to the below past "Watchman News Special Report":

Watchman News Correspondents and Members of the Christ's Assembly Worldwide are highly encouraged that law and order may soon be restored in the USA. The encouraging headlines are everywhere! Our God YAHWEH is on the throne and may let up the chastisement of his rebellious children if we repent and turn back to Jesus as our God and King and obeying the Christian laws in America once again. The highly popular American Billionaire and Industrialist Donald Trump won't back down on the Obama eligibility matters. Watch these amazing videos of Donald Trump on Fox and other networks here at Watchman Reporters:
Trump Refuses to Back Down Over Obama's 'Very Strange' Birth
Billionaire developer and possible Presidential candidate Donald Trump says he won't back down from his position that President Barack Obama should offer up his birth certificate once and for all. Trump also questioned why Obama has not released other personal documents, including college records.

After two years of perilous litigation on the most important Obama Eligibility case (out of dozens), finally an oral argument has been scheduled. If you would like to attend and show your support, go May 2, 9am, to the 9th circuit court of Appeals, Pasadena division, courtroom, or demonstrate in front of the courthouse. They will hear the oral argument for appeals on the Judge Carter case. In this case, Orly Taitz represents Ambassador Alan Keyes, 10 State Representatives and 30 members of U.S. military. Support Dr. Orly Taitz Esq in this effort!

The Watchman Reporters who attended the Pre-Trial Discovery hearings of this Carter case at the Federal District Court in Santa Ana will also attend Obama's upcoming appeals argument for accurate reporting disclosure. We spearheaded much of the effort disclosing the original trial dates that were ordered by the court to be made final for Obama: click here.
An external correspondent John Mikkelsen helped spearhead this effort of exposure with the below message to over 10,000 leaders. (We believe that at the time of that distribution that the Presidential eligibility issue reached Donald Trump):

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Wed, Jan 26, 2011 8:49 pm



by John Mikkelsen
+1 (858) 237-9780

All scientific public polls
, such as these recently conducted by CNN and AOL Time Warner, have consistently shown that overwhelmingly more than half of the American public believes that Obama (AKA Barry Soetoro) is not eligible to be President. There will be no problem for the Higher Civil Authority, who is the armed majority (90 million plus registered), to execute the Constitutional duty for the Freedom of each State.


The Civic Duties of every able bodied civilian is to suppress this insurrection by renegade public servants, and all Local Police have orders, policies and laws to support all who carry out "Citizens Arrests". Citizens Arrests are mandatory by law that if anyone has knowledge that someone has aided and abetted a felony, that the citizen must arrest him until the Police arrive, or to deliver him to the Police station.

The Unorganized Militia of these several Free States have repeatedly petitioned the Provost Marshall's Office and Judge Advocate Generals to execute the laws of the United States and arrest this pretender in the White House, to restore the peace. The peace liaisons to every level of government have been given no reception.

The Higher Civil Authority of Citizen Grand Juries in every Free State have now ordered the arrest of Mr. Soetoro (Barack Hussaine Obama). This has been propagated down to every level of free men, minute-men, tea parties and what the law describes as "the Unorganized militia" of every able bodied citizen of each Free State.

The only thing that I believe could halt the doom awaiting all who aid and abet the treason in the White House, is for the Provost Marshalls Office or Judge Advocate Generals to finally uphold their duty to arrest the highest criminal in the world, now in the White House.

The Higher Civil Authority has already prepared orders to the fully equipped Armed Majority (approx 90 Million registered), to supress the insurrection by renegade public servants that unConstitutionally hold the nation hostage, up to and including reclaiming the 9 trillion dollars the Federal reserve has stolen from the United States who have unConstitutionally coined our money rather than Congress, and have fraudulently created this Credit by putting up each of the free state's assets as collateral to foreign nations such as China.

The Provost Marshall and Judge Advocate General are to send squads of officers to arrest the imposter and put him in a holding cell until he can provide proof that he is eligible, which the majority of Americans are fully convinced that he is not, and in which case he should be charged with treason or exiled as an illegal alien.  
These statements are the private opinion of Reporter John Mikkelsen.



COMPLAINT:   Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro together with his wife Michelle, falsely claiming to be qualified to act as President of the United States willfully and fraudulently misrepresent his person and continue to falsely claim that he is the duly elected president of the government for the united Several and Sovereign Free States in America.  By doing so Barrack Hussein Obama and all those that aid and abet this fraud continue to act in violation of Title 18,  United States Code cited in part here below:

Title 18 Part I, Chapter 43, § 912. 
Officer or employee of the United States
Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Actual Espionage
18 U.S.C. § 793 : US Code - Section 793: Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Search 18 U.S.C. § 793 : US Code - Section 793: Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information.

All  those  acting in consort with hostile alien agent imposter, Barrack Hussein Obama, are by doing so acting in violation of Law and do thereby aid and abet espionage against the Several Sovereign  Free States in America.  

United States Constitution  Article 2, Section  1:

Relevant excerpt:
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
(In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.)(This clause in parentheses has been modified by the 20th and 25th Amendments.)
The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Obama Inauguration (2008)Photos: Balls and parties

Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro together with his wife Michelle , falsely claimed to be qualified to act as President of the United States with full knowledge to the contrary.  In concert with others also claiming to be  duly elected, appointed or employed as officers and agents of the government for the union of the Several Sovereign Free States in America conspired to deceive the entire world by hiding the factual evidence that proves the actual jurisdiction of his natural birth.  This was done in order to avoid disqualification as a candidate and later to avoid impeachment proceedings.  The process of vetting  Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro was falsely declared by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, et al. who presented and recorded false documents in order to carry out the deception as part of her production of  illicit compensation for her appointment as Speaker of the House.  The said documents being self-evident proof of this conclusion.

Upon pronouncement of the vote count in November 2008, Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro together with his wife Michelle and their cohorts proceeded to manipulate the Electoral College to magnify the ruse in order to secure the inauguration Barrack Hussein Obama as yet another bogus president and continue their criminal plan of fraud and espionage.  Despite his knowledge that he is not qualified to even become a candidate for election as president and having the lawful duty to recuse himself, Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro together with his wife Michelle appeared before the nation on 20 January 2009 and pretended to perform the Oath of Office of President of the government for the union of the Several Sovereign Free States in America.   In the formal ceremony performed by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts also having knowledge of the hostile alien status of imposter Barrack Hussein Obama the term phrase,  "faithfully execute the office of president."  Later, in private Oath of Office ceremony this error was corrected.   Itis worthy of note that this emphasizes the willful nature of the bad faith of the oath taker - imposter, Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro acting together with his wife Michelle who is a lawyer and therefore fully cognizant of their willful criminal acts.

As further evidence of the willful nature of the criminal fraud and impersonation of the President and the grand scale of espionage accomplished by this deception it is a public record fact that the entire group acting in concert with Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro together with his wife Michelle have expended millions of dollars rigorously concealing all records necessary to disprove the bogus claim that  Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii when the actual record proves he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya.

The following is but a portion of extensive documentary evidence proving the fact that the person identified as Barrack Hussein Obama AKA, Barry Setroro, is not a "natural born Citizen" as required by Law and therefore not qualified to even become a candidate for election to the Office of President.  It is well known by his public conduct that falsely acting as President  Barrack Hussein Obama has refused to salute the National Flag of America or pledge his allegiance to America.  He has publicly deprecated the American National Anthem. He has publicly embarrassed all Americans by joining with hostile foreign nations in deprecating the conduct of Americans and bowing to leaders of hostile nations.

The presence of an imposter as President representing Law and Order and Foreign Policy constitutes a clear and present danger.  No act by imposter Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro can be lawfully  valid.  The People must rely on the good faith conduct of all officers and agents that represent the government they established for themselves.  In the absence of good faith, The People have the Right, Duty and Power to remove all who renegade pubis servants that violate the Law they established for their  security, peace and prosperity.  All public servants are obligated to comply with their command.  Tolerance for mischief is itself a violation of the the sanctity of our Law.  It is public knowledge that since Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro assumed the office of President the most imprudent and unlawful acts have emanated from each of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches.  No ne can doubt that criminal conduct in the highest office is is made possible only by criminal conduct in service to that power.  Such service to criminals causing great harm to The People is betrayal of trust.  Betrayal of trust is treason.  Treason is a terrible thing but it is not as despicable as the cowardice of complicity.

To prevent further harm all Citizens are by the law of necessity empowered to effectuate the immediate arrest of  Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, his wife Michelle and all others acting in concert with this imposter in order to perpetrate this fraud and espionage on The People they promised to serve.

USE EXTREME CAUTION:  Barrack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro together with his wife Michelle and all that participate in this mischief are heavily armed and have promised to use all available resources with extreme prejudice to thwart any effort to arrest, prosecute and punish the renegade public servants now manifesting INSURRECTION.  Great care must be taken to ensure successful suppression of the current insurrection.  To secure the Blessings of Liberty one must be willing and able  pay the price.


Here's a close-up of the top of the document where you can plainly read his name and his parent's names, etc....


A British history buff was asked if he could find out who the colonial registrar was for Mombasa in 1961. 
After only a few minutes of research, he called back and said "Sir Edward F. Lavender” Note the same name near the bottom of the photo above.
Source(s): “ Kenya Dominion Record 4667 Australian library." 

And here’s a close-up of the bottom of the document where you can read "Coast Providence of Kenya " and the 
official signature of the Deputy Registrar.....


The above document is a "Certified Copy of Registration of Birth", but below is a copy of the actual Certificate of Birth... 
the real-deal legal kind of certificate.

The Mombasa Registrar of Births has testified that Obama's birth certificate from Coast Province General Hospital in 
Mombasa is genuine. This copy was obtained by Lucas Smith through the help of a Kenyan Colonel who recently got it 
directly from the Coast General Hospital in Mombasa , Kenya .  Here  it is.....
Note the  footprint!!

The local Muslim Imam in Mombasa named Barack with his Muslim middle name Hussein so his official name on this certificate is Barack Hussein Obama II.

The grandmother of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. reveals the story of his birth in Mombasa , Kenya , a seaport, after his mother suffered labor pains while swimming at ocean beach in Mombasa 

"On August 4, 1961 Obama's mother, father and grandmother were attending a Muslim festival in Mombasa , Kenya . 
Mother had been refused entry to airplanes due to her nine month pregnancy.  It was a hot August day at the festival so the Obama’s went to the beach to cool off. While swimming in the ocean his mother  experienced labor pains so was rushed to the Coast  Provincial 
General Hospital, Mombasa, Kenya where Obama  was born a few hours later at 7:21 pm on August 4, 1961(what a sad day for the USA!).  Four days later his mother flew to Hawaii and registered his birth in Honolulu as a certificate of live birth which omitted the place and hospital of birth."  

Letter from Kitau in Mombasa , Kenya   ......

"I happen to be Kenyan. I was born 1 month before Obama at Mombasa medical center. I am a teacher here at the MM Shaw Primary School in Kenya . I compared my birth certificate to the one that has been put out by Taitz and mine is exactly the same. I even have the same registrar and format. The type is identical. I am by nature a skeptical person. I teach science here and challenge most things that cannot be proven. So I went to an official registrar today and pulled up the picture on the web. They magnified it and determined it to be authentic. There is even a plaque with Registrar Lavenders name on it as he was a Brit and was in charge of the Registrar office from 1959 until January of 1964. The reason the date on the certificate says republic of Kenya is that we were a republic when the "copy" of the original was ordered. I stress the word "copy". My copy also has republic of Kenya . So what you say is true about Kenya not being a republic at the time of Obama's 
birth, however it was a republic when the copy was ordered. 

The birth certificate is genuine. I assure you it will be authenticated by a forensic auditor. We are very proud Obama was born here. We have a shrine for him and there are many people who remember his birth here as he had a white mother. They are being interviewed now by one of your media outlets.  

Fortunately they even have pictures of his parents with him immediately after his birth at the Mombasa hospital with the hospital in the back ground. 

It will be a proud day for us when it is proven that he was born here and a Kenyan became the most powerful man in the world. 

I encourage anyone to come here and visit. I will be happy to take you and show you the pictures at the hospital myself as well as 
my document and many others that are identical to what Taitz posted. God Bless.  Kitau"

So, how much more proof do we need? 

Well, Here it is...{SJC} 

Lolo Soetoro, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, baby Maya Soetoro, and 9 year old Barry Soetoro.


This registration document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiskus Assisi 
school inJakarta, Indonesia , shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name 
Barry Soetoro made by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro.

Name: Barry Soetoro
Religion: Islam
Nationality: Indonesian


How did this little INDONESIAN Muslim child - Barry Soetoro, (A.K.A. Barack Obama) 
get around the issue of nationality to become President of the  United States of America ?
In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the 
group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has released copies of President Obama's 
college transcripts from  Occidental   College   ...
The transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a 
foreign student from  Indonesia  while an undergraduate at the school.  The transcript was released 
by  Occidental   College  in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the 
Superior Court of  California .  The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial 
aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. 
To qualify for this scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. 
This document provides the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking - 
that he is NOT a natural-born citizen of the  United States  - necessary to be President of these 
United States.  Along with the evidence that he was first born in  Kenya , here we see that there is 
no record of him ever applying for  US  citizenship.. 
Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation 
of Obama's campaign spending.  This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 
in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block 
disclosure of any of his personal records.
Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still on-going but that the final report will be provided 
to the  U.S.  attorney general, Eric Holder.  Mr. Holder has refused comment on this matter.